Jan 31, 2019

How To Use Essential Oils In A Bath

Stress relief in the form of a bath? Yes please! Well then let me tell you how to use essential oils in a bath.

I need this at times, and chances are, so do you. Sometimes for clearing my head, other times for easing aches, and some times just to help calm me after a stressful day. Here is how I use essential oils in a bath for myself and my family.

How to use essential oils safely in a bath.

If you want to learn more about my fav line of essential oils, click here . Bath salt recipes are below, so keep reading!

1. Fill with half salts and half baking soda.

I like to use a quart mason jars  filled with half salts. The type of salt is up to you. I like the extra mineral content of Himalayan salt, so I use a combo of Epsom Salt and Pink Himalayan Salt  and half Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. Baking soda is known for it’s gentle cleansing properties as well as softening the skin, so that’s a great reason to use it!


2. Shake well.

Make sure the lid is on well and that you leave enough room at the top jar so there is room to shake and mix the ingredients well. Then give it a good shake, blending the salt and baking soda together.

Stress relief in the form of a bath? Yes please!

3. Add oils.

I then add 12-20 drops of essential oils of my liking. Then give it another shake. {Recipes are below}

4. Add to tub.

Use 1 cup for a standard size tub, more for a garden tub if you are lucky enough to have one! Hopefully one day I will get to enjoy regular baths in a tub that can accommodate me a little better, but for now my standard tub will do.


Important Info!

Now it’s really important for me to say that oils like peppermint, cinnamon and other spicy or hot oils can be too much for your lady parts in the bathtub, so use them sparingly and always use salt and baking soda as a carrier. Water intensifies essential oils on your skin, so its important to always dilute with a carrier oil if using oils on your skin, or using the baking soda and salt method for bathing. Seriously, just use caution.

Here are some of my favorite bath blend recipes:

Remember, these are for adding to your quart mason jars, so you should get 3-4 baths out of each recipe. For my little people, I use 1/2 cup per bath on average. For myself I use 1 cup her bath. I like to soak for 20-30 minutes per bath.



  • 10 drops Lavendar
  • 10 drops Peace & Calming (an exclusive Young Living blend)


{UNWIND Blend}

  • 6 drops Cedarwood
  • 8 drops Lavender
  • 6 drops Peppermint



  • 6 drops Eucalyptus
  • 6 drops Lemon
  • 6 drops Rosemary



  • 5 drops Thieves
  • 5 drops Lemon
  • 5 drops Peppermint
  • 5 drops Purification (an exclusive Young Living blend)



  • 10 drops Orange
  • 10 drops Ylang Ylang

Have more questions about how to use essential oils safely? Here is a helpful resource! How to use essential oils.

What makes me a skin care expert?

12 years as a licensed Skin Therapist (Esthetician).

Over 5 years using essential oils everyday.

Skin care is a subject I study on a regular basis. All information is a collection of my licensing education, skin journals and articles I have read, as well as continuing education hours. I am passionate about helping people have healthy skin that they are confident in.

I am not a doctor and I do not diagnose or treat illness.

Thank You!

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3 thoughts on “How To Use Essential Oils In A Bath

  1. These are some awesome blends! I love a good soak in a healing bath. Will definitely be trying some! Thanks for the tips.

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