Aug 28, 2019

22 Date Night Ideas for Everyone

My husband and I go on a date every Thursday night. We have done so over 3 years. We love date night and sharing date night ideas with others. Before we had kids, we went out together to dinner or had a nice meal at home 2-3 nights a week. We REALLY like each other and have always set aside time to talk and share a meal.

Over the years we have been together (20 years so far) we have had a lot of fun dates! Here are some of our favorites and some I hope to go on soon. There is something for every budget and even date nights in if you have kiddos. I hope this gives you some inspiration and gets you out with your spouse!

Ok! Here are some date night ideas.

  • Billiards or bowling. This was our first date. We have been bowling dozens of times since and always have fun.
  • Explore a local state park. We have enjoyed going to local state parks for years. Recently, we visited one just 20 minutes from our home and it was gorgeous. We walked and talked and sat on the bench together and checked out this beautiful view.

Here is a list of NC State parks to explore!

  • Dance together. This can be in your socks on the kitchen floor after the kids go to bed. Dance lessons together or out to a fun venue to salsa, line dance, or whatever floats your boat.
  • Play a board game or cards at home. Game nights are fun! You can even make a fun wager for the winner. This is great for a date night in and cost you zero dollars!
  • Take a long walk, hand in hand. Take a walk around your neighborhood, local downtown or walking trail. The point is to talk, connect, and be together.
  • Cozy up to a fire. This is so romantic! Got little ones at home? Then this is perfect. No sitter required, and you can have a date night in after bedtime. Use a fire pit, or your fireplace if you have one. Enjoy the crackle of the fire and cozy up to each other.
  • Pick a new restaurant to try. This is even more fun if your not married to a picky eater or are not one yourself! We have tried so many different types of food over the years and really found some things we didn’t even know we liked. One of the most surprising foods we both now love is Indian food. Just make sure you’ve got some minty gum to chew after!
  • Wine tasting at a local winery or wine bar. Often times winery’s have a restaurant or allow picnicing. The landscape is always beautiful too. Even though my husband does not drink at all, we have had dinner at a winery before and I enjoyed a wine flight tasting with my meal. We both enjoyed the beautiful scenery and food.
  • Motorcycle, convertible, 4 wheeler or jeep ride to a scenic destination. This us just plain fun. On a nice day when you roll down the windows and enjoy the fresh air, this is a great date. Don’t have any of these? Then rent or borrow one. 
  • Picnic at the park. This is a also a great idea for a low cost date night. Pack up some food and a blanket and get outside. Got kids? Picnic in the back yard after they go to bed! You don’t even have to leave your house.
  • Get takeout and turn your dining table into a romantic table for two. Set up dinner in a romantic spot like in front of the fire place, on the patio under the stars with candlelight or whatever space you have.
  • Do something artsy together. We have only been once, but we really enjoyed a painting class. We painted these two owls just weeks before our first foster babies came, then used them in our nursery. After we had such a good time at the painting class, we purchased a starter kit of paints and have painted a few times since. This is a great winter time date night in. We like to set up in our cozy den with a fire and paint. So relaxing. Here are some supplies to get you started!  
  • Restaurant with a view. Find a spot with a nice view of the city you live in, a roof top restaurant, dine on the water, or dinner at a vineyard.
  • Go for a canoe or boat ride. Canoe rentals at state parks are often very reasonable, or if you like speed, rent or borrow a speed boat or jet ski.
  • Visit a museum or gallery together. We have been to small museums, but we plan on visiting more in the close-by city of Charlotte.
  • Take a cooking class together or make a new dish at home together. This is another budget friendly and parent friendly date night in!

Keep reading more Date Night Ideas.

  • Movie night! Go out or stay in. This is an option for any budget or parent. Get a sitter and go out, or put the kids to bed and stay home.
  • Go to a shooting range together. We have done this on a double date and it was a lot of fun. My husband is interested in those ax throwing places, but that scares me a little!
  • Enjoy a few hours at a spa together. If I’m being honest, a few hours isn’t enough! I am always down for some relaxation and pampering and my husband is too. In this modern day world of multi-tasking, it’s refreshing to just be still for a while and enjoy each others company in a serene environment. You can also do a spa night at home! Here are a few product recommendation from Amazon.  You can also do a spa night at home! My husband actually prefers this instead. Here are a few body spa kits from Amazon. 
  • Take an exercise class together. My husband and I love to work out together. We have taken yoga classes, CrossFit and just hit the gym together. Any time just the 2 of us and no kiddos seems like a date! Can anyone else identify?
  • Escape Rooms. We have not tried this yet, but I feel like it would either be great or a bust! IDK? Who has tried these?
  • Stargazing. A friend told me this was one of her favorites. This could be so romantic too. I’m thinking blankets and laying on the kids trampoline would be a good spot!
When was your last date night?

So when was your last date night? Is your next one scheduled? Which date night ideas do you like the best? You must schedule dates in order for them to happen! The point is to connect, spend intentional time together and have fun! Do things that you did when dating to remember why you chose each other. Life and careers and children can stress out our relationships, so be committed to keeping your marriage strong. #monicasays

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Originally Published November 11, 2018

Edited and re-published August 28th, 2019





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2 thoughts on “22 Date Night Ideas for Everyone

  1. Great ideas. I’ve told others they need to have a date/alone night with their spouses least every other week.

  2. Date nights are few and far between for us. I want to say at some point in the past 27 years we had them, but not having a lot of options for Carson makes it hard. I do agree it is so important though. I can tell the difference when we are able to find that rare moment that the week goes so much better. It gives you that opportunity to talk about you and just clear your head.

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