Dec 2, 2018

What almost every parent wants to tell you about Christmas Gifts

I love Christmas and birthdays, but get overwhelmed with all the stuff that quickly looses it’s luster. I know lots of my mom friends feel the same, so I wrote this list of Unique Family Gifts.  This is what almost every parent wants to tell you about Christmas Gifts. Please share and tag your family members to give them the hint!

Any other parents already dreading the piles and heaps of formed plastic stuff your kids are gonna get for Christmas? I didn’t think I was the only one!

I’ve already been doing some pre-imptive cleaning out before more plastic enters our home. We have one birthday, and Christmas for our 4 kids coming up in the next 3 months.

It’s just plain overwhelming. The amount of toys and stuff the kids have already is too much. And we are not a family who buys things just to buy. But the plastic toys that our 4 kids get every where they go is unreal. When they read 100 books and turn in their paper, they get a toy out of the toy chest. Class did well this week at school? Pick another prize. Know that memory verse? Congrats, you get a token to buy even more.

I don’t mean to sound cynical, but they get cheap toys, or candy every where we go. The consumerism is ridiculous. And the sugar. It’s everywhere.

Back to gifts though…

Even though we have some great non junk toy gifts coming for our kids, they are still going to get the usual from aunts and uncles, grandparents and random other gifts. Hey, now before you get upset thinking that my kids may be missing out on plastic toys from China, rest assured, they have plenty of toys. WAAYYY more than I ever had that’s for sure. They have toys in their rooms, and toys in our family room. Toys in our cars, their pockets. So don’t feel bad for them.


Ok, now that we got that out of the way, here are unique family gift items on most parent’s wish list.

Gym or Rec Center Annual Pass

  • We will be going on year 4 this Christmas with this gift. Our local city owned recreation center has an awesome outdoor pool that is perfect for our kids ages 3-8 currently. The thing Iike about having a pass is that I don’t feel like I have to stay for hours to get our money’s worth. Just an hour and a half after work on a week day or 2 hours in the morning is enough for all of us. When you have a pass, you can stay for less time and go more frequently.
  • There is also a fitness facility that us adults can enjoy and a great supervised childcare room nicer than any preschool I have ever seen in person. The kids get to play with different kids and different toys while I exercise. And childcare is at not additional charge at our local Statesville, NC rec center.
  • We also have access to the gym for the kids to practice dribbling basket balls or running in.

Karaoke Machine

This Karaoke Machine was on our list last Christmas. With little ones that love music and are learning to read, this seems like a great family present for lots of families! I’m thinking this will be loads of fun and endless entertainment for our family, when we have BBQ’s, friends over and more.

Movie Tickets

  • Going to the movies can really add up, especially for a family of 6. This is a great gift for families. Movies are an enjoyable and fun experience that kids really enjoy. The big screen and the snacks are so fun for little ones and parents too.

Click the Read More link to continue reading: What almost every parent wants to tell you about Christmas Gifts

Trampoline Park Gift Certificates

  • This is such a great place to take stir crazy kids in the dead of winter or in the heat of summer. Our entire family likes going to the trampoline park. Us adults get good exercise, the kids get to run around and scream and it’s perfectly acceptable. And they sleep really good at night from all the activity! Can I get an amen!

Amusement Park Passes

  • Here in the Carolina’s, your childhood wouldn’t have been complete without a dozen or so trips to Carowinds Amusement Park. Think about how much fun kids have at places like that. What a fun experience!

Hotel Stay

  • Hotels and water = magic for kids. They love to stay overnight other places and have a pool to play in. This is a gift that can be used year round. Another great winter escape from the indoors.

Art Sets

  • All of our kids enjoy crafting and making art. From Play-Doh to finger paints they love crafts. Every body knows how yucky craft supplies can get after a few dozen uses. So fresh paints and kids art supplies are always a good idea!

Play-Doh 10-Pack Case of Colors, Non-Toxic, Assorted Colors, (Amazon Exclusive) under $10



  • My parents bought our kids a trampoline 2 years ago for Christmas. It was a HUGE gift for the kids, literally and something they enjoy year round. I have to say, my husband didn’t think it was too much of a gift when he had to dig out part of our hill to burry one side so it could be in our sloped back yard. Good thing my man’s easy going. Hahaa. You could even opt for a small indoor one for toddlers. We have one of these indoor trampolines and we love it too!

Gift Your Cabin, Lake House or Beach Condo

  • Know a family that could use a vacation? Have an unused cabin or condo? Then bless a family with a weekend or week at your cabin. I’d be happy to pay the cleaning fee and enjoy a change of scenery with or without my kids!

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Swimming Lessons

  • If you plan on spending any time near the water, pool or lake, then this is a must. Kids need swimming lessons and this can also add up. We spent over $200 last year for our two oldest to take swim lessons and it was well worth the money, but is a sizable chunk. This is a great gift idea for grandparents. Plus, you can spend on some small gifts now, and then have swim lessons to look forward to.

Indoor Soft Play Centers

  • Often these are in with arcades and mini golf centers. This type of play center often has areas for all ages, toddler and up.

A trip to the Zoo

  • This could be a local small petting zoo or a larger zoo. Kids love animals and its so exciting for them to see real animals that they have only read about or seen on a screen. Our kids have absolutely loved going to the zoo.

New Board Games

  • This is because our kids loose the pieces to every. single. game. we. own. That is unless the game is out of reach! So a new board game or card games are always great choices.

Want to get a traditional gift? Here are Amazon’s top items!

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Orginally published December 2, 2018. Updated and re-publised on September 16, 2019.

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2 thoughts on “What almost every parent wants to tell you about Christmas Gifts

  1. Great ideas, Monica! We have given the zoo gift before and this year I’m given gift certificate to a trampoline place. Great minds think alike ?.

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